Selasa, 20 September 2011


Submitted to Fulfil One of Prose Subject’s Task

Resti Tantiawanti


A. Background Of The Problem

English in the main foreign language in Indonesia that is thought from elementary school up to uneversity level. As an international language, English is widely used in the world. It is a medium in conduting seminars,conferences, business negotiation, and other communicative purposes. In addition, English means to master science, technology and culture. Therefore, learning English is very important.
There are four language skills in learning English,there are listening,speaking,reading and writing. One of them is reading. Reading, including reading literatery work is a form language activity.the activity of reading literary works can give some advantages,for instances, we will get new vocabularies, some imformation about life values, the knowledge about the culture of certain community and the identification of life problems that have not been experienced before. According to Aminuddin ( 1987: 63) that ; “ Manfaat membaca karya sastra sedikitnya akan meliputi :
(1) Dapat dijadikan pengisi waktu luang,
(2) Pemberian atau pemerolehan hiburan,
(3) Untuk mendapatkan informasi,
(4) Media pengembang dan pemerkaya pandangan kehidupan dan
(5) Memberikan pengetahuan nilai sosio – kultural dari zaman atau masa karya sastra itu dilahirkan.” It means that, the advantages of readingliterary work at least includes :
(1) Spending the free time
(2) Giving or getting entertainment
(3) Getting information
(4) The enrichment of the life values
(5) Giving the knowledge about the socio cultural values in specific period of time in which the literary work is created.
Some experts have their own opinions about definitions of literature but the formulations of their opinion have similarity each other. Before the writer clarifies futhermore about literature,it is important to know some definitions about literature.
Literature comes from a Latin word which means ‘letter’ or ‘writing’. A simple definition of literature is writing in prose and verse. There are two concepts of literature: the first.literature in general sense, and the second, literature in specific sense. Literaturein general sense is everything printed as a textualform. While literature in specific sense is any result of human efforts in expressing his esthetic. Sense is lingual form(artistic in nature). The artistic form of writing is a literary work that can suggest our emotion and thought.
Every author uses beautiful language for expressing his imagination to give measure to the readers. Joseph Mersand (1982:313) says that : “ Literature is good writing that has form, a point of view, andideas of lasting interest.” According to X.J Kennedy (1983:10) that “ Literature in kind of art, usually written, which offers pleasure and illumination.”. According to Ema Husnan (1988 : 4) that: “Kesusastraan adalah tulisan atau karangan yang indah bahasanya.” It means that writing or composition in beautiful language . from these definitions, the writer concludes that literature is an art which covers printed material or written form dealingwith special subject that offers pleasure.

A. Reseach Problem
The writer formulation the problem above as “ What is the moral message of the novel “ NARNIA “ by C. Lewis.

B. Purpose of the Study
The aim of the reseach are :
1. To get the description about novel, moral message , of the novel “ NARNIA “ written by C. Lewis.
2. To get knowledge and experience about the reseach.

C. Significance of The Studies
The writer limits the scope of the problem to focus on the discussion and to avoid the deviation. She restricts the problem of this reseach on novel “NARNIA” written by C.Lewis based on moral message.

A. Theoretical Studies

1. Description of Novel
Novel is latest of all the great types of literature. It comes from a Latin word which means ‘new’. It has own word with its mechanism and reality. While poetry and drama are earlier even from the ancient Greeks. A novel is a part of fiction. According to Joseph Mersand (1982:313) that: “Fiction means something that the writer uses his imagination.” In this reseach , the writer analysis a novel “ NARNIA” based on moral message.

2. Definitions of Novel
A novel is a book of long narrative in literary prose. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novella. The latter supplied the present generic term in the late 18th century.
Further definition of the genre is historically difficult. The construction of the narrative, the plot, the way reality is created in the works of fiction, the fascination of the character study, and the use of language are usually discussed to show a novel's artistic merits. Most of these requirements were introduced in the 16th and 17th centuries in order to give fiction a justification outside the field of factual history. The individualism of the presentation makes the personal memoir and the autobiography the two closest relatives among the genres of modern histories.
The novel is only one of many possible prose narrative forms. It shares with other narratives, like the epic and the romance, two basic characteristics: a story and a story-teller. The epic tells a traditional story and is an amalgam of myth, history, and fiction. Its heroes are gods and goddesses and extraordinary men and women. The romance also tells stories of larger-than-life characters. It emphasizes adventure and often involves a quest for an ideal or the pursuit of an enemy. The events seem to project in symbolic form the primal desires, hopes, and terrors of the human mind and are, therefore, analogous to the materials of dream, myth, and ritual. Although this is true of some novels as well, what distinguishes the novel from the romance is its realistic treatment of life and manners. Its heroes are men and women like ourselves, and its chief interest, as Northrop Frye said, is "human character as it manifests itself in society."
A novel is a fictional piece of prose usually written in a narrative style. Novels tell stories, which are typically defined as a series of events described in a sequence. The novel has been a part of human culture for over a thousand years, although its origins are somewhat debated. Regardless of how it began, the novel has risen to prominence and remained one of the most popular and treasured examples of human culture and writing.
There have been stories and tales for thousands of years, but novels must combine a few unique characteristics in order to be defined as such. First, a novel is written down. rather than told through an oral account. Secondly, novels are meant to be fictional in form, differentiating them from myths, which are said to have their basis in reality or theology. Although some modern scholars argue differently, there is no truly established guideline for length, point-of-view, or even establishment of a moral or philosophical point in novels.
The term for the novel in most European languages is roman, which suggests its closeness to the medieval romance. The English name is derived from the Italian novella, meaning "a little new thing." Romances and novelle, short tales in prose, were predecessors of the novel, as were picaresque narratives. Picaro is Spanish for "rogue," and the typical picaresque story is of the escapades of a rascal who lives by his wits. The development of the realistic novel owes much to such works, which were written to deflate romantic or idealized fictional forms. Cervantes' Don Quixote (1605-15), the story of an engaging madman who tries to live by the ideals of chivalric romance, explores the role of illusion and reality in life and was the single most important progenitor of the modern novel.
The novel broke from those narrative predecessors that used timeless stories to mirror unchanging moral truths. It was a product of an intellectual milieu shaped by the great seventeenth-century philosophers, Descartes and Locke, who insisted upon the importance of individual experience. They believed that reality could be discovered by the individual through the senses. Thus, the novel emphasized specific, observed details. It individualized its characters by locating them precisely in time and space. And its subjects reflected the popular eighteenth-century concern with the social structures of everyday life.
The novel is often said to have emerged with the appearance of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719) and Moll Flanders (1722). Both are picaresque stories, in that each is a sequence of episodes held together largely because they happen to one person. But the central character in both novels is so convincing and set in so solid and specific a world that Defoe is often credited with being the first writer of "realistic" fiction. The first "novel of character" or psychological novel is Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740-41), an epistolary novel (or novel in which the narrative is conveyed entirely by an exchange of letters). It is a work characterized by the careful plotting of emotional states. Even more significant in this vein is Richardson's masterpiece Clarissa (1747-48). Defoe and Richardson were the first great writers in our literature who did not take their plots from mythology, history, legend, or previous literature. They established the novel's claim as an authentic account of the actual experience of individuals.

3. Definitions of Moral Message

a.Description of Moral Message

In this research,the writer only focuses on moral message of the novel “NARNIA” .Moral message is a lessson implied in a story or event.Emery, David (2008:1) says : “Moral is a lesson of ethical or practical significance expressed or implied in a story.The moral may be left to the hearers readers,or implicitly encapsulated maximally every story has moral message that the author wants to convey,either explicitly or implicitly.Explicit ways are the ways to convey the message directly by using the characters,characterizations,attitude,aspect,etc.While implicit messages are conveyed implicitly or indirectly so that the readers or viewer must decude by themselves about what the moral message in the story are.
From the explanation above,the writer concludes that moral message are value implied in a story which become lesson for the readers or viewer.

b.Types of Moral Message

According to Nugiantoro,Burhan (2007:323) Jenis ajaran moral itu sendiri dapat mencakup masalah yang boleh dikatakan bersifat tak terbatas.Ia dapat mencakup seluruh persoalan hidup dan kehidupan,seluruh persoalan yang menyangkut harkat dan martabat manusia.Secara garis besar persoalan hidup dan kehidupan manusia itu dapat dibedakan kedalam persoalan hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri,hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain dalam lingkup sosial termasuk hubungannya dengan lingkungan alam,hubungan manusia dengan Tuhannya.
It means that the types of moral lesson can cover unlimited problems,including all of the life and living problems,all of the problem related to human dignity and prestige.Furthermore,Nurgiantoro,Burhan (2007:323) adds,
1. Bentuk penyampaian langsung yaitu penyampaian pesan moral secara langsung melalui penjelasan perwatakannya.
2. Bentuk penyampaian secara tidak langsung yaitu tidak ditampilkan dalam cerita adalah peristiwa konflik,sikap dan tingkah laku para tokoh dalam menghadapi peristiwa dan konflik itu,baik yang terlihat dalam tingkah laku verbal,fisik maupun yang hanya terjadi dalam pikiran dan perasaan.
It means that there are two forms of delivering moral message in a story : those are direct and indirect delivery .
1.The form of direct delivery is the direct delivery of characterization.
2.The form of indirect delivery is the delivery moral message which is not shown. in a story,convering events,conflicts and characters’attitude and behaviours in encountering the events and conflicts shown in their verbal or physical behaviours or only occuring in their though on feeling.
In addition,message in literary work is usually also called meaning.There are two kinds of message or meaning in a literary work.Those are content and intention meaning.According to http://www.indonbiu .com/2009/07/pengertian tema dan amanat.html /2010:/,” makna niatan adalah makna yang diniatkan oleh pengarang bagi karya sastra yang ditulisnya.Makna muatan ialah makna yang termuat dalam karya sastra tersebut.” It means that intention meaning is the meaning intended by an author for the literary work that he writes.Content meaning is the meaning contained in the literary works.


A. Method of Reseach
The writer uses a descriptive method in this reseach. According to Winarno Surakhmad (1998 : 139 ) that : “ pelaksanaan metode deskriptif tidak terbatas hanya sampai pada pengumpulan dan penyusunan data, tetapi meliputi analisa dan interpretasi tentang arti data itu. “ It means that the process of descriptive method consists of collecting, arranging, classifying, analysing and interpreting of the data.
1. Technique of Collecting Data
In collecting data, the writer uses library reseach by reading and studying the book and references as resources in her writing. The technique can help her to get the information related to the topic.
2. Technique of Analysing Data
In analysing data, the writer analysis the novel “Narnia “ written by C. Lewis based on moral message.

Moral Message of NARNIA
In this novel explained that The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the bearer of important moral lessons for children. It argues that the novel provides readers with guidance on putting moral principles into practice, and subserves readers to express the best they can be as well. Moral principles such as honesty and integrity, forgiveness, courage, and self-sacrifice, will be discussed as these are represented by various characters, human and animal, in the novel. Mr Tumnus and Edmund stand for the moralvalues of honesty and integrity, while Lucy and Peter represent forgiveness; Peter, Edmund and Mr Beaver are brave warriors with courage, while Aslan, Edmund as well as Lucy all promulgate the spirit of self-sacrifice. While The Lion,the Witch and the Wa rdrobe illustrates moral values, it should be noticed that those values are presented in an entertaining manner, especially with children’s needs in mind. The mysterious and wondrous world of Narnia and the engaging talking animals enhance the reading experience. The devices that increase the pleasure of reading will thus also be mentioned, though the focus is on the didactic messages of The Lion,the witch and the wardrobe .
All these experiences and enchantment attract readers’ attention, and children will be delighted to have the adventure along with the four children in the novel. However, as children’s literature, it is almost inevitable that The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe will educate and have effect on children in some respects. There are different moral values within the novel that will provide specific advice and guidance to children, and one of these is the moral principle of honesty and integrity.
Honesty and integrity are basic moral qualities for children or adults of all time.“honesty” is “the quality of being honest,” while “integrity” is defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.”It is suggested through the definition that “honesty” is incorporated in “integrity,” for “integrity” includes strong moral principles besides “honesty.” Lewis promulgated these two moral principles – honesty and integrity through two different figures: one is the animal figure — the Faun; the other is the human character — Edmund.These two characters are similar in inspiring moral values, i.e. they stand in the wrong side at first but choose to be an honest person in the end. However, they differ in some respects as well: the Faun realizes his fault at the very beginning, while Edmund grows into a just person gradually. By using animals,Lewis could communicate very subtle shades of human personality without taxing his youngaudience’s level of comprehension or interest.”That is to say, because of children’s natural attraction to animals, the latter can stimulate the acquisition of moral values.Talking animals such as Mr Tumnus, Aslan and Mr Beaver are convincing examples to demonstrate that certain moral values such as honesty, self-sacrifice and courage are derived from entertainment.
Mr Tumnus is a kind-hearted Faun who chooses to be an honest and upright person in
the end after his inward struggling. When he comes across Lucy at the first time and finds out
that she is the “Daughter of Eve”,the Faun is determined to take Lucy home and wants to hand her over to the White Witch. However, Mr Tumnus feels so ashamed of himself that he dissolves into tears as he confesses:Lucy asked, “Mr Tumnus! Whatever is the matter?” for the faun’s brown eyes had filled with tears and then the tears began trickling down its cheeks, and soon they were running off the end of its nose; and at last it covered its face with its hands and began to howl.
The description of the Faun’s crying clearly demonstrates his remorse. At first, he just tellsLucy “it’s no good” “sorrowfully”,when Lucy requests to leave, but a moment later, his eyes fill with tears. The Faun begins to cry is because he feels a bit guilty now. Then his remorseful emotion reaches to the highest point, because the tears not only “trick down,”
but also “run off,” and the verb “howl” underlines the Faun’s agony. Hence, the description
cited above presents the readers a Faun with extreme suffering, which is due to Mr Tumnus’s
inward struggle of being an honest man.
The detailed description of Mr Tumnus’s weeping is implying that the Faun feels regretted for his vicious behaviour. Readers will feel sympathetic to him because Mr Tumnus
is forced to be a kidnapper for the White Witch. He is struggling, for he is afraid of the Witch,and knows exactly what will happen if he sets Lucy free: “And she’ll have my tail cut off, andmy horns sawn off, and my beard plucked out.And if she is extra and specially angryshe’ll turn me into stone” The White Witch’s heinous means of punishment ishighly threatening. Nevertheless, the Faun chooses to help Lucy without regard to his own
safety at last.There are two primary reasons why Mr Tumnus wants to set Lucy free. The first is that he has known Lucy now and makes friends with her, as he says in the novel, “Of course I can’t give you up to the Witch not now that I know you” .
The second part of the sentence “not now that I know you” suggests the reason of the Faun’s action. However,the second reason, which is the more important one, is that the Faun himself is kind-hearted and honest. His bursting into tears when Lucy wants to go home clearly demonstrates that Mr Tumnus cannot go against his well-meaning and honest nature.
meeting a secret by using Turkish Delight. However, Lucy notices the change of Edmund,
Behaviour shows the immaturity and amorality of Edmund as well as his gluttony. He is
credulous and lacks strong moral principles, thus he can make friends with anyone who gives
him what he wants. The moral values in this section prevent the occurrence of some personal problems, and constitute a source of inspiration in time of need. Just like Mr Tumnus and Edmund in the novel, they do not act with integrity at first, and they have either the menace or the temptation in front of them, which prevents them from making the right choice. However, they return back to the right track at last. Therefore, these two characters set good examples for children.
Forgiveness,besides honesty and integrity,forgiveness is an indispensable value for children as they growup.Forgiveness is like a “catalyst” that can promote reform.As is demonstrated in the novel,both Mr Tumnus and Edmund make mistakes at the beginning,but they transform into the upright men at last, which is primarily due to the forgiving action made by others. Bell mentions that unlike characters in other allegorical novels, the four children in The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe “are differentiated, delineated by particular traits and motivations.” Lewis emphasized hese particular traits by giving them the tittles: “King Peter the Magnificent,” “Queen Susan the Gentle,” “King Edmund the Just,” and “Queen Lucy the Valiant.” However, besides these general traits of the children, they possess much more virtues as well;and for Lucy, the most distinguished virtue is her generous forgiveness.Lucy sets an excellent example of forgiving people at the very beginning when she meets Mr Tumnus. When the Faun tells Lucy that he is a kidnapper for the White Witch, Lucy tries to console him by saying “rather slowly” former fault though it is “pretty bad,” because she believes that he will never help the Witch kidnap person again since he feels sorry for his vicious behaviour. Moreover, her “slow” speech and the repetition of “well” as well as the word “sure” all suggest that Lucy tries her best to comfort the Faun and wants to be truthful and sincere.
After Lucy finds out that she is actually the victim, she feels sure, though terrified as
well, that the Faun will set her free. She tries to convey her trust and understanding to Mr
Tumnus by saying,Furthermore, except for Lucy’s generous forgiveness, she regards the Faun as her best friend unfeignedly.Magnanimous behaviour is an excellent example suggesting how to deal with enemies or opponents. Besides the simple action of forgiving, it is more important to stand in the perspective of others and be a thoughtful and truthful friend.
Likewise, Lucy also forgives her brother Edmund for all his wrongdoings. When Lucy
tells her siblings about her fantastic experience in Narnia, they do not believe it and think
Lucy is telling a silly lie. Though the two elder ones hurt Lucy’s heart, they do it
unconsciously. However, Edmund is spiteful on this occasion. “He sneered and jeered at Lucy.Edmund’s action and the reason for his behaviour emphasize his malevolent personality. He does not care about other’s feelings, all Edmund wants is to spite and enjoy the successful mood of being a nasty person.Though Lucy feels hurt by Edmund’s vicious behaviour, she forgives him without hesitation. When Edmund tells his siblings that he only plays with Lucy and pretends that all her story is true, Lucy “gave Edmund one look and rushed out of the room” Lucy feels so inconsolable that she says nothing but gives Edmund a look and runs away.Edmund does let Lucy down this time, thus Lucy does not want to argue at all. Moreover, after Edmund is saved,Lucy forgives him unhesitatingly. Her generous action of forgiveness is a convincing examplethat demonstrates how children can put moral principles into practice. By managing to forgive,Lucy sets an excellent example for children.Besides Lucy, Peter also puts forgiveness into practice. As the eldest brother, Peter has the responsibility to sustain harmonious relationships among the siblings. However, when Peter knows that Edmund is lying about the adventure of Narnia, he is so irritated that he rebukes Edmund, saying, “Well, of all the poisonous little beasts.The sentence is not finished, but the implied message is that Peter is angry at Edmund’s malicious behaviour and feels disappointed for him as well. Thus, Peter fails to control his emotion and utters these serious words.
Courage describes many scenes of death. Lewis wanted to show that “real” life is full of difficulties and struggle, and only people with a strong will and courage can master all obstacles and achieve victory in the end.Courage as the quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily but without being incautious or inconsiderate”.Therefore, the quality of courage not only contains valour but also includes wisdom and cautiousness. The distinguished warriors with courage in the novel arePeter, Edmund, and Mr Beaver.Peter is not a courageous man at first. His cowardice is introduced when Peter meets Aslan for the first time.
Edmund is another example of how a young boy can become a brave warrior in battle.
Different from Peter, Edmund exhibits his talent for fighting in his first but also the most
important battle. He is not only courageous but also intellective, as is shown in the novel:
Peter says The Witch was turning our troops into stone right and left. But nothing would stop him. He fought his way through three ogres to where she was just turning one of your leopards into a statue. And when he reached her he had the sense to being his sword smashing down on her wand instead of trying to go for her directly and simply getting a statue himself for his pains.Edmund is so brave, dauntless and wise to fight with the Witch that even Peter respects him greatly. Though fighting for the first time, Edmund has the sense to smash the witch’s wand first. He is courageous, as is demonstrated by the quotation cited above, he can fight his way straight to the White Witch and “nothing would stop him.” However, besides bravery, the most important thing for a warrior is to keep a cool head and to know what the best thing to do is. Edmund understands clearly and makes his courage and wisdom into practice. Though Edmund is “terribly wounded,” Peter’s army “would have been beaten” if Edmund had not smashed the Witch’s wand, because he wins over “some chance”for the army.Edmund thus represents an intelligent warrior with great valour in the novel, which can be an excellent example of inspiring children that how to be heroic and outsmart enemy.
Besides the two human characters that represent the brave warriors in the novel, Mr Beaver shows his extreme courage as well. Mr Beaver is not a valorous warrior per se, and he is rather cautious. When he meets the four children for the first time, he is afraid of being seen
by the Witch’s side, therefore, he always looks out at them “from behind a tree,” and then
“immediately draw back”.Likewise, the examples cited above indicate that Mr Beaver is risking his life to meet the four children as well.
Self-sacrifice,in comparison with the moral principles of honesty and integrity, forgiveness, and courage,self-sacrifice is the most important and significant, because it is the ultimate expression of the best a person can be. In this section, the examples of Aslan, Edmund and Lucy all demonstrate that how can a person exceed the limitation of self and achieve the supreme action of self-sacrifice. Aslan, who accepts death at the hand of the White Witch in order to save Edmund’s life, is the most distinguished example of self-sacrifice.As the lord of Narnia, Aslan is a mysterious figure at first, which not only arouses the curiosity of children in the novel, but the readers’ as well. King states that “Lewis’s most
amazing gift as a writer is his ability to make imaginative leaps forward when writing about a
subject so that he takes us beyond the merely obvious, the mundane, the everyday.Lewis’s description of Aslan is a convincing example to demonstrate King’s comments.
When Mr Beaver mentions Aslan the first time, all the children in the novel have different
feelings about the name.Furthermore, the old rhyme in the novel makes Aslan even more mysterious.Readers will feel enthusiastic and pleasant to find out who Aslan is along with the four children in the novel.Apart from Aslan’s mysterious and amazing power, his gracious act of self-sacrificefor Edmund arouses readers’ immense attraction and respect. In spite of Edmund’s past actions, Aslan is willing to die for the sake of saving Edmund’s life.The phrase “not… at all” emphasizes the disappointment of Lucy and Susan for Aslan’s non-resistance; it also reinforces the solemn action of Aslan’s self-sacrifice.
Furthermore, the comparison of different actions between Aslan and the rabble manifests
the significance of Aslan’s self-sacrifice. Aslan chooses to be silent and make no resistance at
all. Compared with Aslan’s tranquillity and peace, the rabble’s “shouting and cheering”
seems so dismissive and disdainful. Lewis even criticizes the rabble’s behaviour by plainly saying, “as if they had done something brave, though…one of those
The author’s attitude is emphasized by the italics, and readers will feel disgust of the intoxicated rabble.Aslan’s gentle behaviour denotes his willingness to give up his life, and his
benignity to Edmund is also revealed.Aslan is not obliged to save Edmund, therefore, his action of self-sacrifice is worthy of admiration. Differing from Jesus, who is the Son of God and is chosen by God to sacrifice his life to save humankind with his blood, Aslan is not -- he is only the King of Narnia. However,Aslan sacrifices his life not only to save Edmund, but also to save Narnia.From this respect, Aslan saves Narnia. Though he is resurrected afterwards, the action of self-sacrifice is more miserable than death. As is introduced above, Aslan endures physical as well as emotional suffering, which is beyond imagination. Therefore, Aslan is an excellent example of how to exceed the limitation in terms of sacrifice.Though it is Aslan that is killed “in a traitor’s stead” willingly and gets resurrected,Edmund also revives to some extent. The most important is that he has learned how to sacrifice. Although not knowing what Aslan has done for him, Edmund acts bravely and fearlessly in the battle of fighting against the White Witch. In order to prevent the soldiers from being turned into the statues by the witch, Edmund risks his life to break the witch’s wand courageously and successfully.


A. Conclusion

The writer’s conclusions of this reseach are as follow :
Four distinguished and important moral message in NARNIA.There are honesty and integrity, forgiveness, courage, and self-sacrifice.By using the devices of talking animals, fascinating images as well as enchantment, the narrator expresses didactic messages in an entertaining manner.Starting with moral qualities,NARNIA novel demonstrates how moral message are expressed in action.

B. Recomendation
1. Make a reading literary works activity as an enjoyed thing, for it will add our knowledge, vocabulary, and we can take some philosophy from it as well.
2. Based on the writer’s analysis that “Narnia” can be used as one of the alternative reading materials of literature for the university level.
3. Learning literary works is important for us especially for students. Therefore, we should give wide change for them develop their ability in appreciating literary works.


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