Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


Written to Fulfil One of Psycholinguistics Subject’s Task

Created by :

Vita Fitriyani 082122044
Nining Suhaeni 082122045
Sri Puspita Sari 082122059
Resti Tantiawanti 082122063
Yully Erpani 082122072
Uu Parida 082122078



All price due to Allah SWT, by the grace of him, this working paper, entitled “RELATIONSHIP AMONG LANGUAGE,THOUGHT AND UTTERANCE” has been finished.
If one asks about the relation between thought and language, people expect the issue to concern such matters as whether we think in language, whether creatures without language can "think", and the way language shapes our concepts. In my opinion, there is a much deeper question, which concerns the nature of linguistic communication. Philosophers and linguists standardly conceive of language as basically a means by which speakers convey the content of their thoughts to others. The question is whether that is a correct picture of linguistic communication. This is a question about the relation between thought and language because this standard picture of communication gives propositional thought a certain priority over language. If, as I intend to show, there are reasons to doubt the standard picture, then we cannot expect to make much progress with the more superficial questions without thinking about the nature of linguistic communication.

Tasikmalaya, March 2011

The writter


A. Background
B. Set of problem....................................................................................
A. Definition of Language and Function of Language.......................
B. Definition of Thought.......................................................................
C. Definition of Utterance.....................................................................
D. Relationship Among Language,Thought and Utterance...............
A. Conclusion..........................................................................................
B. Suggestion...........................................................................................


Language without bound medium bringing all something can included in man understanding field. Therefore comprehends language will enable researcher to comprehend form of man understandings.

Language is man media thinks in abstraction enabling objects faktual is orthogonal transformation to to become abstraction symbols. With existence of this orthogonal transformation hence man can mull over about an object, though the object is not terinderakan when the thinking process done by his its ( Solar Sumantri, 1998).

Language matter can be comprehended through Linguistik as told by Yudibrata that linguistics is science studying language, usually yields the languages theory; not that way the things of with student as language, ( 1998: 2). Student as organism with all its the attitude is including process happened in student itself when language learning cannot be comprehended by linguistics, but only can be comprehended through other science related to his psychology. On the basis of the thing emerges new science discipline so-called psycholinguistic or called as also with term language psychology.

Related to above thing, can be told actually man can think without using language, but language waters down ability to learn and remembers, solve problem and concludes. Language enables individual to encode event and object in the form of words. With solvent individual language of abstraction of its the experience and communicates it at others because language is unlimited symbol system capable to lay open all ideas.

Based on above idea , can be told interrelationship between languages, mind and utterances is a real theme challanges in psychology study world. Hence from that, writer copes express the relationship by figuring in opinion sight and concept from some experts relating to this science discipline.
B.Set of Problem
1.What is language and what function of language?
2.How the relationship among language,thought and utterance ?


A.Definition of Language and Function of Language
Language is a tool to express something towards our audience,that is why we can say that language is a medium of communication.Language can be a “ bridge “ to the communication between dissimilar cultures.
Language does not exist in a vacuum.It serves and is molded by other systems in the human mind.Because it is used for conveying ideas,its structure and function must reflect these ideas.Because it must be spoken and understood easily and efficiently,its structure and function are forced to stay within the limits imposed by people’s processing capacities.Because it is used for communication within a complex social and cultural system,its structure and function are molded by these forces as well.Yet once people have learned how to use language,it hinders them in thinking about others.It molds many aspects of their daily affairs.
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human communication. In another definition, language is a system of communication by sound, through the organs of speech and hearing, among human beings of certain group or community, using vocal symbol possesing arbitrary conventional meaning to communicate, to share the culture, and share the ideas with other people. And it can be written forms uses symbols that called characters to build some words to make something had been spoken can be known by other people without any repetition speech.
1. Language as a system
The key term in the above definition is ‘system’, it’s also the most difficult term to discuss. We may observe that a language must be systematic, for otherwise it could be not learned to used consistenly.
2. Language as arbitrary
The term ‘arbitrary’ in the definitions doesn’t mean that everything about language is unpredictable, for the languages don’t vary in every possible way. Arbitrary means selected random and without reason.
3. Language as vocal
The term ‘vocal’ in the definitions refers to the fact that the primary medium of language is sound, and it is sound for all languages, no matter how well developed are their writing system.
4. Language as symbol
The term ‘symbol’ in the definitions refers to the fact there is no connection, or at least in a few cases only a minimal connection, between the sounds that people use ad the objects to which these sounds refer.
5. Language as human
The term ‘human’ in the definition refers to the fact that the kind of system that interest us is possesed only by human beings, and is very different from communication system that order forms of life possess.
6. Language as communication
The final term in the definition is ‘communication’ language is used to communcation.

Language user are every human in the world, no matter what they are, where they are and how they live. It is very essence of what makes human where ever you go, whoever you met, whenever you want to share your ideas, whatever you want to do, however you act, you will need a communication tool and language is the answer.

Language is a system for communicating, written languages use symbol to build words. The entire set of words is the languages vocabulary.
As a tool o communication, language has the following functions:
1. Emotive speech
It functions to express feeling, perception, and emotion of the speaker.
2. Phatic speech
It functions to take care of social relationship on certain situation or condition.
3. Cognitive speech
It functions to express everything is surroundings (informative).
4. Rhetorical speech
It functions to influence the thought or perception of the audiences.
5. Metalingual speech
It function to describe language it self.

6. Poetic speech
It has esthetical functios.

B.Definition of Thought
Thought is a mental process which allows someone to make a conscious decision, to imagine and generally operate on a rational symbol .There are ideas in the mind. These ideas that make a person easy to think, it's easy to determine something.
Language is a realization of ideas, ideas in the mind, not even a line distinguishing a firm that delivers ideas and thoughts. There is also an opinion that the language is a reflection of the mind, what in talking about is what they think. Example: we can see clearly a person whose mind chaotic mess also resulted in the language. Sometimes if someone is thinking of something heavy, tasteful concerned to speak.
According to Schlenker :
The human mind is determined by a syst em of classification of certain language used by humans. According to this hypothesis the mental world of Indonesian people are different from the mental world of English people because they use different language.

C.Definition of Utterance
Utterance is a complete unit of speech (what one speaker say).In another word,utterance is the act of expressing word (something that you say).We use term utterance to refers to complete communicative units,which may consist of single words,phrases,clauses or clauses combination spoken in context,in contrast to the term sentence which we reserve for unit consisting of at least one.
Intrinsically in activity communicates happened process to produce and comprehends utterance.In other word, in linguistic usage happened process to change mind to become code and changes code to become mind. Utterance is synthesis from distorting process of concept becomes code, while understanding is ordering the result of code analysis.
In comprehending an utterance,there are at least three factors which assist we.The first is factors to relate to knowledge of the world.As member of society,we has coexisted with our environment.Nature around this gives to us knowledges about world life . Some of this knowledge haves the character of universal while some other is special about public where us live.Understanding to an utterance can desist, so after utterance was understood or is continued with an action.If we to hear utterance or to read a discourse which its contents is issued ,so in generally we only comprehend just of what said or written in the discourse.

D.Relationship Among Language,Thought and Utterance
Before using language, a linguistic consumer beforehand obtains language.In process is having linguistic happened process to comprehend and yields utterance, in the form of sentences or builds the language sentences.

Intrinsically in activity communicates happened process to produce and comprehends utterance.In other word, in linguistic usage happened process to change mind to become code and changes code to become mind. Utterance is synthesis from distorting process of concept becomes code, while understanding is ordering the result of code analysis.

In comprehending an utterance,there are at least three factors which assist we.The first is factors to relate to knowledge of the world.As member of society,we has coexisted with our environment.Nature around this gives to us knowledges about world life . Some of this knowledge haves the character of universal while some other is special about public where us live.Understanding to an utterance can desist, so after utterance was understood or is continued with an action.If we to hear utterance or to read a discourse which its contents is issued ,so in generally we only comprehend just of what said or written in the discourse.

Language is realizing ideas. Located idea in mind. Even there is no assertive distinguishment line,between idea and mind.

We can see explains someone who its the mind is in disorder results its the language is in disorder also. Sometime also if someone was thinking of thing weight, appetitive not the to speak. Also there is having a notion that language is mind mirror, what discussed be what thought of. Linguistic formed from mind, or form of language ( individually off the cuff and) imitates or follows form of mind or idea.

However if we will more broodingly sees, in fact the language only " form" from idea or mind only. So linguistic analysis by discharging it from idea analysis is perverting. Mean, may not be be linguistic without there are idea, so also opposite is that way true? Isn't it true many people gibber when dream? Where idea they are in a state of rest? Isn't it true also someone who nervous about correctness aphasia, with the meaning is also relation between emotion with language?
Having language that is process submits meaning by speaker to hearer through one or with refer to utterance.Process is having linguistic told to works well if meaning sent by speaker can be reception by hearer very similar to mean by the hearer.In opposite a process is having language can be told not to run carefully if meaning sent by speaker reception or comprehended by hearer unmatched to desired by this hearer.Unmatched can be because of factor hearer which less clever in producing utterance,can be caused by hearer factor which reception indigent that utterance,or can also as result of environmental factor at the time utterance transferred from mouth speaker to ear hearer .So an perceivable utterance carefully by hearer if can make semantic encode, gramatic encode, good encode with phonology conversely decode hearer phonology, gramatic decode and semantic decode from utterance sent by speaker carefully too.Beside area place of utterance takes place also have the character of condusif.

Adequate ability from speaker in producing utterance and adequate ability from hearer in reception utterance will cause meaning - meaning sent by acceptable speaker correctly by hearer.To gets the picture meaning an utterance many factors which must be paid attention like social factor,psychology factor ,culture factor .In factor semantics study - the factor mirror at so-called level meaning, leksikal meaning and idiomatical, gramatical meaning and contextual meaning.The thirth of the meaning emerging in every process is having language.

Linguistic as presentation or result of process and as thing processed by either in the form of oral language and also linguistic written through language, either in writing and or verbally. If related to skill of language which must be mastered by someone, this thing relates to skill is having language, that is mimicry, talks, reads, and writes.

All languages obtained intrinsically required to communicate. Man will only can say and comprehends one otherly in linguistic words. Language studied by since children is not neutral language in objective reality. Linguistic has subjective orientation in depicting world experience of man. This orientation here in after influences how man to think and says.

Behavior that is visible in having language is behavior of man when talking and writes or when he to produce language, while attitude which is not seen is behavior of man when comprehending corrected reading or read causing becomes thing owned by it or process thing will be said or written by it.

Man as language consumer can be considered to be organism having activity to reach psychology domains, either cognate, affective, and also psikomotor. Ability applies good language in reseptif ( mimicry and reads) and or productive ( talks and writes) entangles third of the domain.

Cognate domain focusing in brain is domain that is which is is all important is this case is source of at the same time other psychological domains controller, be effective domain taste and psychomotor domains. In this bearing Syah ( 2004: 22) arises that without cognate domain difficult to be imagined one can thinks. Without ability thinks impossible of the someone gets the picture and believes matters benefit presented to it.

Affective is psychology domain covering all feeling phenomenon of like love, sorrowful, likes, hateful, and certain positions to its the ownself and area. While, psikomotor is psychology domain which all concreete physical charitables and easy to be observed either its the amount and also quality because in character open ( Rightful, 2004: 52).

Some experts tries explains form relation between language and mind, or more narrowed again, how language influences man mind. From many figures explained relation between language and mind, writer sees that presentation Edward Sapir and Benyamin Whorf which many cited by various researchers in checking the relation of language and mind.

Sapir and Worf tells that there is no bilingual having equality to be considered as the same social reality. Sapir and Worf elaborates two hypothesises about interrelationship between languages and mind.

1. First hypothesis is lingusitic relativity hypothesis is expressing that difference of linguistic structure in general parallel with cognate difference non language ( nonlinguistic cognitive). Linguistic difference causes difference of man mind who is using the language.

2. Second hypothesis is linguistics determinism is expressing that linguistic structure influences way of inidvidu perception and world natural existence perseptual. Equally, cognition structure of man determined by category and structure which there [are] in language.

Linguistic influence to mind can happened through habituation and operates it formal aspect of language, for example gramar and lexicon. Whorf tells " grammatical and lexical resources individual of of languages heavily constrain the conceptual representations available to their speakers". Gramar and lexicon in a language becomes the conceptual representation determinant in the language consumer. Besides formal habituation and aspect of language, one of dominant aspect in conceptioning Whorf and Sapir is linguistic problem influences categorisation in human perception which will become premise in thinking, like what told by Whorf following :

" We divided nature with line made by by our native language. Category and type which we are insulation from phenomenon world have no we to meet because all the phenomenons caught by face every observer. In contrast, world presents a kaleidoscopic flux which full of impression categorized by our mind, and this is the linguistic system in our mind. We divided nature, its the organization into concept, choose important elements.

Linguistic for Whorf social reality guide and condition of individual mind about a problem and social process. Nonliving individual in objective world, not only in social activity world like the one usually is comprehended it, but hardly determined by certain language symbols becoming social communication medium. There is no bilingual of which is same enough to represent the same reality. Residence world various publics assessed by Whorf as same world however with different characteristic. Brief said, inferential that man opinion?sight tentag world formed by language so that because language differed in hence opinion?sight about world also differs in. Selectively individual filters sensory that come like the one programmed by language which utility. That way, public using different language has difference of sensory also.

Language is a tool to express something towards our audience,that is why we can say that language is a medium of communication.Language can be a “ bridge “ to the communication between dissimilar cultures. Language is realizing ideas. Located idea in mind. Even there is no assertive distinguishment line,between idea and mind.
Language comprehended as symbol system, we must see language as part of which is not is dissociated with mind owned by man, and nature a world of residing in around by it. When communicating with others, man requires representation symbol what to which is drawn marrow to be the, hence searched by symbol. This symbol is not selected itself, but through convention process with other man in its the community, until finally chosen certain symbol to symbolise it. The symbol generally is in the form of word, said is inveterate linguistics symbol applied representation of idea mind to the feeling or with concreete media in the form of language.

Process changes mind and the feeling that people have is marrow communicator to become speech in the form of language must pass encoding phase. Encoding is done by the way of memilah and chooses linguistics symbols like sound and word which able to represent mind and feeling which will be submitted. At the time of the same of logic arranges that fraction of mind and feeling which has implied in code is in the form of the language can be submitted systematic. Level of systematic of organization of the message will affect at level understanding of utterance by speaker. After the mind and feeling is tidy in the form of language code, hence phase hereinafter say in the form of oral or writes. Secretory utterance network from organs of speech, or letter network written down is element outside becoming message carrier media. Utterance network or the written form is external element. element of depth itself is trying mind and feeling submitted by speaker.

The writers realize that this paper is fa from being perfect.So,the writers will be very grateful for the critism and suggestions.

Darwowidjojo, Soejono. (2005). Psycholinguistik. Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
Clark, H Herbert and Clark V Eve. (1977). Psychology and Language. New York : Harcourt Brave Jovanovich, INC.
Chaer,Abdul.(2009).Psikolinguistik. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.
http://Susilo.Adi.Setyawan.Student .Fkip.UNS.ac.id/2010.Hubungan antara bahasa dan pikiran dalam kajian psycholinguiastics.

6 komentar:

  1. thank you so much for your shared!
    thank you,,, thank you

  2. Mat pagi!
    Bagus artikel ini.Maaf, saya ijin copy ini.Thank

  3. bahasa inggrisnya berantakan banget. Pake Google Translate ya?

  4. thank you. saya izin copy yah

  5. permission to copy mam, thank you
